Thursday, June 28, 2007

Happiness Interruptus

I pause in my celebrations to note that the current Supreme Court scares the living crap out of me.

I now return to revelry and playing with my children, but with a bit of a somberness in light of the scary decisions made today and over the course of the last term. May all this crap be reversed by the time my kids are old enough to be affected....

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I got my offer letter. I have a job. I am so darned excited I don't know what to do with myself.

Yay! A good salary and loads of benefits and all that good stuff.

HALLELUJAH, Praise the Lord, and PASS THE CHAMPAGNE! Mama's gettin' a brand new pair o' shoes!

Monday, June 25, 2007

What's worse than being pregnant in the summer with bar review?

Not much, but I can assure you that being pregnant in the summer with bar review and having a dreaded summer cold is worse.


An update on many things, including the first den-tisss visit for Little Miss S, an exciting recap of Dead Fish Bible School, and other exciting Mac Household adventures, coming your way! But first, I must blow my nose.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Arts and Crafts at Vacation Bible School

So I'm having loads of fun this week being a group leader for Miss M's Vacation Bible School group at our church. Loads. It's in the 90s right now, and I've been following around somewhere between 14 and 18 3-5 graders (yes, it fluctuated throughout the morning) in the Sunday School Building, which isn't so well air conditioned, and on the playground which has a few shade trees....

And they had a lovely activity in the Arts and Crafts room - making fish prints! Never done it? Well let me tell you - you take a whole dead fish, cover it in paint, and press a piece of paper over the fish to make a print.

Did I forget to mention I'm like 21 1/2 weeks pregnant? Yeah, I thought so. Oh Lordy, and it was HOT in that room. And smelly. And I did my best to stay un-green.

I have been promised no more dead fish after today. So yay.

Friday, June 15, 2007


I have found a rip in a dress that Miss Baby loves. How do I *fix* it? It's a dress my mom got for her, and a it's royal blue/white gingham check bishop with lobsters smocked into the neckline and cute little sleeves with rickrack. **SO CUTE** The rip is small (just a cm or so), but it's on the FRONT, and there is a little fray - it's obvious she ripped it when she wore it. I HAVE to fix Blooooo Cwab Dress. I must. It's required. I am not at all crafty, and I can sew on a button but that's all. HELP ME AGAIN OH INTERNETS!!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

About my Blog Roll

A few months ago or so. Well maybe like a year ago. I noticed that Blog Rolling really wasn't updating accurately to let me know when blogs had been updated. And so I started investigating readers instead of relying on Blog Rolling to tell me when I needed to click on over and read someone else's Blog. I figured out that I liked the reader interface better, so that's what I've been using, and now I add new blogs only there, and I ignore the ones in my blogroll. At the end of the day, I keep the blog roll over there to the side to show the blog world that I like so many people, and so therefore I'm cool. Or something. I don't know why.

So, should I just ax it? Should I use another program? I don't know. Help me, oh internets. Help me stay cool as the rest of you!

Why, yes, I *am* procrastinating studying. Why do you ask?

I am a hungry hippo

Hide your food if I'm around. I'm starving. Nonstop. Dang!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I oppose torture. I think it's a bad way to get information when we need it. However, I, as a parent, am not above issuing the occasional threat of torture when necessary.

If we want to find Bin Laden, we can threaten anyone we have in custody with Bar/Bri. They will out him in a matter of days. Bar review is bloody murder hell when you've not been in school for a very, very long time.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

All's well

The ultrasound went great. We're really excited that they don't see any reason for further testing. I signed all the consent forms for the surgery today. She'll be here by Hallowe'en. Yeah, she. :)

Monday, June 04, 2007


Miss M is here! Tra-la-la! We went and got haircuts, then played with my niece today, then shopped to find ribbons to make preppy head-bands! Tomorrow we have a Very Big Day - the ultrasound. Wednesday, we go to Big News Network to see a friend and tour 'behind the scenes'. And the new Brown Sugar Water museum. Tra-la-la! And Thursday, the ZOO! :) Fabulous times!

Hooray for SUMMER TIME!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Why I Love to Entertain

I got an e-mail from a friend in the middle of last week. I'd dropped her a note to see how she was, and to touch base on a few things our big girls are doing together this summer. She writes back to tell me that she's so sorry she's been out of touch, but she just got back from Greece, where she had to fly to get her father and mother home. Her father just had a heart attack on the way there, had developed pneumonia and subsequently had a stroke once he got back here to the States. Amusing side story is that there actually were people in the hospital that thought he was the Atlanta TB Lawyer.

So, I said, fine - you bring your kids to my house, and another friend and I will take care of them while you and your husband take some time to relax. She said, no, if they come, I get to come to, and we'll all relax - I need it. I was up for anything, as Mr. Mac has gone to FL to attend Miss M's dance recitals (yes TWO!) and bring her back for the summer. So I'm alone for the weekend.

Folks, even without my husband, I had such a nice evening tonight. Nothing fancy - burgers and dogs, beans, potato salad, fruit and brownies. I had lemonade and water to drink. Our collection of 5 kids ran themselves into the ground. Everyone helped clean up, and we all ended the evening full, relaxed and happy. And my friend, as she was leaving said, with tears in her eyes, you can't imagine how much this means to me. And I said, it goes the same here too.

The world is big and frightening. I'm not a person with a ton of friends - I tend to keep a few close pals, and then I have a wide network of acquaintances. So it's nice to know that sometimes I can brighten the day of a friend, even if it's a horrible dark time. And even better, she can brighten my day with a simple smile. And best of all, Little Miss S is sleeping like the sweet angel she can be. :)