Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers' Day

I'm not a big fan of what I refer to as 'Hallmark Holidays'. While on the one hand, I think Mothers' Day (and for that matter, Fathers' Day) can fall into the category, on the other hand, it's not.

Parents have more influence over children's lives than any other people the child will encounter. They shape the moral fiber of the child, teach her right from wrong, and begin setting her standards for her life. Most of these things happen so early on, that we just don't know what we've done until it's too late.

I hope that my daughters learned the lesson that I love each of them dearly, and each knows that I will do anything I can to keep her healthy and happy. I hope they understand that neither will be put before the other. It's what my mother taught me.

Happy Mothers' Day to all you mothers out there.


Blogger Liz Miller said...

And to you too.

8:50 PM, May 15, 2006  

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