Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ABC Meme

Seen everywhere. I'm such a sheep.

Accent: Southern.
Booze: Nice heavy, tannic reds especially Cotes du Rhone and Provencale blends; lager; New Zealand Sauv. Blanc; ales.... Beer and Wine - I don't drink a whole lot of liquor any more.
Chore I Hate: All. Right now, the chore I hate most is packing to move. I'm also fairly averse to laundry, cleaning the litter box, the floors, bathrooms... You name it, I hate it, with the noted exception of cooking, which I love.
Dog or Cat: Two cats, Bo and Luke, who live on the porch due to my horrific allergies and disdain for kitty pee pee on the carpet.
Essential Electronics: Coffee maker, toaster oven (I have kids), computer, TiVo.
Favorite Cologne(s): It's perfume for girls, and I love Quelques Fleur (one sexy smell), Marc Jacobs (fresh and gardenia), Joy by Jean Patou (smells like my mommy and reminds me of being a little girl) , and Clinique Happy (smells happy to me!).
Gold or Silver: Gold.
Hometown: Town? Funny. Try a farm outside a small town in rural SE Georgia.
Insomnia: Not usually, though lately somewhat because I just have too much on my mind right now.
Job Title: Agent (seriously)
Kids: Yes. 15 months and 8 1/2 years.
Living arrangements: in transit.... Moving from our house in Florida to our soon-to-be house in Georgia.
Most admirable trait: Kindness.
Number of sexual partners: Not so many as one might think... I went through a 5-year period of celibacy just before meeting my husband because I got tired of dealing with the hassles associated with sex. Yeah.
Overnight hospital stays: Three. When I was small (before grade school), I had to stay overnight to have some sort of bladder infection investigated. Then when Miss Baby was born, I was in 4 nights due to the c-section. Then in October of last year with Miss Baby when she had her hernia surgery.
Quote: "The stakes are too high for government to be a spectator sport." - Barbara Jordan
Religion: Christian, protestant
Siblings: One younger sister
Time I wake up: Weekdays: 6 am, Weekends: sometime around 7 or 7:30, depending on when Miss Baby wishes to rise.
Unusual talent or skill: Photographic memory
Vegetable I refuse to eat: No.
Worst habit: Binge eating. It used to be smoking, but I quit. Also picking fights with my husband, which he usually diffuses very well.
X-rays: A few. Knee, nose, teeth
Yummy foods I make: Almost anything. I'm the best cooker of pork I know. I make kick-ass barbeque. Real, Eastern NC Style and also good ole Texas Brisket. To be totally obnoxious, most of what I make is really, really good because I understand how food goes together. Additionally, I understand the notion of "less is more" and that using high-quality, but simple, ingredients leads to a great meal. In general, the only times I serve something that isn't great is because I followed a recipe against my intuition and didn't make the corrections I knew needed to be made. I know that was an obnoxious answer, but it really is the truth.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius.


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