Friday, April 21, 2006

Broken Hearted

My heart is just about broken. What good can come to a child whose mother will say anything to fortify her position in her child's life? A mother who will make empty promises that the child believes, but which will never come true? A mother who has proven, time and again, that it's more important to be "the most important parent" than to be a good parent?

I truly despise this woman. I hate her because of what she is doing to a beautiful girl. I hate her because of how she takes advantage of everyone and refuses to take responsibility for her self and her actions. The reason I hate her most, though, is that but for the grace of God go I.

She is that awful wretch I used to be.

Those of you who pray, you pray for the little girl. Those of you who don't, then at least send her strength. She needs it.


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