Friday, May 05, 2006

Things Accomplished and To Accomplish

Here are the things I have accomplished this week:

1) I have signed us up for electric, gas, and water/sewer services.
2) I have found us insurance for our dwelling as well as our autombiles.
3) I have arranged a loan to cover 80% of the purchase price of our new home.
4) I have lined up a closing attorney to handle the transaction.
5) I have arranged for daycare for Miss Baby.
6) I have drafted the visitation agreement for Miss M to come see us monthly, and all holidays, and all summer.
7) I have arranged for a moving company to arrive at my home to take our worldly belongings to our new home.
8) I have begun the arduous process of interviewing for jobs to provide insurance for the family. And some money for extras, like cokes and maybe even an occasional beer.
9) I have spoken with the sanitation department and learned that I cannot arrange for trash pickups until after the house sale is closed.
10) I have made a menu for meals this weekend and next week.
11) I have talked to my doctor's office about my biopsy two weeks ago, and now I've lined up my LEEP for Monday.
12) Ordered pancake molds for my mother's 'Mother's Day Present'.
13) Come to work Tuesday through Friday, for a minimum of 10 hours each day, and accomplished many things on the job. Monday was the day o' interviewing, in Atlanta.

Here are the things that need to be accomplished by the end of this coming weekend:
1) I must run by the grocery and get a few more things to ensure that we have enough food on-hand to deal with the weekend and my OOC status on Monday and Tuesday.
2) I must also remember to get washing powders, so we can have clean clothing.
3) I must run by Office Depot and get shipping labels to use in labeling our boxes containing our worldly possessions, wrapped in bubble wrap.
4) We must pack the following rooms/areas of the house to remain on schedule (we're behind):
- Dining room and Breakfast Room
- Office
- Den
- Guest Room "junk" closet
- Non-essential Kitchen Things
5) Sit down with my stepdaughter and arrange for flowers to be sent to my mother-in-law.
6) Go to Target and buy some sort of party gift for the party Miss M has to attend tomorrow.
7) Get Miss M's 'make-up' and hair done for her dance recital pictures tomorrow morning.
8) Go to Williams Sonoma or log onto the .com version and obtain the waffle iron my mom wants for her Birthday Present.
9) Talk to my dad about what he intends to get her for her birthday. I seem to have dropped the ball here.

In the coming week, I need to finalize so many more things. I must do the following at a bare minimum:
1) Find a job
2) Arrange for television service and broadband internet service
3) Complete whatever tasks are assigned to me by my lender. I'm certain they will ask for a vial of my baby's blood or something for the signing.
4) Contact the local utilities to ensure that all utilities are taken out of our name effective the last day we're here. Also, I should notify the owner of my home of our last day here.
5) Go in to the Dr. on Monday for the LEEP and deal with the pain associated with that.
6) Come in to work every day, and attempt to do my job, wherein I will bid the honor to produce 1 billion envelopes out to a set of suppliers. Yes, 1 billion.
7) Continue to take care of my family.

Now, what I'd also like to do is go buy myself a pair of Crocs Caymans. What color should I get? Miss M already has the pink. Mr. Mac is getting the Duke Blue ones, I'm sure. Me, however, I go between the lime green, the red, the fucia, the yellow, the turquoise, and well... I just don't know.


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