Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Back in the saddle...

This will be more of a RBOC post, but I'm back from 5 days away. I looked at the internets exactly twice in this span, and I must say, it was nice.
> The closing went off without a hitch. We closed, we got the keys and we got the mattress delivered to the house. Our new house now has a mattress and box springs in it, and that is it for furniture. There is also an old TV/VCR set up in the bedroom to have some noise when we stay there.
> The interviews seemingly went okay. We'll see.
> My vacation was hijacked by the most blatheringly annoying sitter ever. Mom hired a girl from our church at home to come to the beach for the weekend. She never shut up - it was as if she FEARED quiet. I EMBRACE quiet. I was on the verge of violence on several occasions. How do you tell someone that, well, it's time for some family private time, because, well, we have things to discuss that are none of her business! We never got to talk about my issues and what I should do, and I really wanted to talk to my mom, my aunt and my sister about these things. I also didn't get to relax like I needed.
> Mr. Mac is now studying for the patent bar, and he's supposed to spend about 20 hrs per week on the process. Oh, and we're not done packing, and he is still working. And Miss Baby is back with us, and she does take some time to follow around.
> I came back to work today to find out that I have several large conflagrations burning at once. Big fires. One me. Staff heading for the exits, too. Yay.
> They asked me to move into a temporary cube, in another week. It's little, and crappy, and right by the door, and it will be loud. I have my second-most valuable contract to analyze during this time. But I'm almost out of the door, so it's no biggie. Right? Bite me, mo-fos.

My baby is so damn funny. I can't get over how much I missed her and how excited I was to see her again last Friday. She's just so sweet and cute and wonderful.

Life goes on, you know. Doesn't matter what hits the horizon - life goes on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Mac has to study for the bar and he hasn't even started law school yet? That's not fair at all!

10:28 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Susan Anne MacKenna said...

Patent bar.... It's a totally different animal from the states' bar exams. This one is to practice in front of the US Patent and Trademark Office, and it's a requirement to do any sort of patent law. So, in some ways not fair, but his choice.

3:06 PM, May 31, 2006  

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