Friday, October 13, 2006

One crappy evening!

Last night, my sister needed someone to watch my niece. She had a thing, and her husband had a thing, and they kinda forgot that they both had a thing, and therefore didn't have a sitter. No biggie - Auntie DMD is in town now, so she can sit. I really didn't mind - Miss Baby has such a blast with M&M.

So off I treked, through the rush hour fun that is Atlanta traffic. Actually, the HOV lanes here allow Mommy and Child to count as 'two persons', so it wasn't actually all that bad. I arrived, Chick-fil-A in hand, and ready for a fun night.

Miss Baby shrieked, and M&M shrieked, and much chaos ensued. Toys yanked out and tossed. Books pulled out - "Weed me book! Weed, mommy!" How could I refuse?

We had our dinner, and the girls settled down to play with the toys in M&M's bedroom. By this point, I had to go visit the facilities, so I went ahead. When I came back out the door, M&M was standing in front of it. Naked.

"Yucky Yuck Yuck! DMD. It YUCKY!!"

I panicked. M&M telling me somethign is yucky is usually not a good sign. Then I examined the naked toddler standing before me and noted that there was a hint of brown smear on her rear and legs.

Oh shit. Literally.

I grabbed her, and ran back to her bedroom. As soon as I cleared the threshhold, I smelled it. Miss Baby had, fortunately, taken her leave as soon as the shit started flying, going to sit in the play room with the other toys. M&M, however, did not restrain herself from playing with the ooey-gooey brown fun in her pants. She smeared it EVERYWHERE!

As my post from earlier in the week indicated, my sister is about to go into labor at any point. I did NOT want her dealing with all this, so I began the cleanup process. I prioritized 1) baby; 2) toys; 3) furniture; 4) floor; 5) bathe babies.

So I cleaned up M&M, and put her and Miss Baby in the bathroom with a few toys. I then began the process of cleaning up the toys. Washed them with hot water, soap and bleach, then stuck them in the dishwasher to run. I wiped down all the furniture with bleach. I cleaned the rug with spot-shot and lysol disinfectant spray. I washed the hardwoods with more bleach.

Then we had bathtime.

After that, we read a story. By this point, the sanitize cycle on the dishwasher had run. Unfortunately, some of the plastic toy food did not make it in its original shape - seems the heat melted it a little.

My sister arrived home to a house that did smell somewhat bleachy. She asked me what happened, and I told her. And she could barely supress her combination of horror and laughing. At the end of the night, nobody was any worse for the wear, except possibly me.

As I left, M&M (who just calls me by my name) told me "Had fun, DMD. Come back soon! We play again!"


I came back home with a very sleepy Miss Baby. I put her in the crib, and I sat down to talk to Miss M, who had just arrived from Florida for the long weekend. And I looked to my dear husband, and I asked for wine. Lots of it.


Blogger ccw said...

I am so sorry.

1:34 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you got drafted for emergency cleanup duty, but I'm glad that everyone survived. More or less. :)

Hope your next visit isn't quite so crappy. :)

5:58 PM, October 18, 2006  

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