Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Miss Baby's RADS Crap

I've finally gotten a name for Miss Baby's condition - it's called "Reactive Airway Disease Syndrome". It's unclear how this occurred in her. According to, it could be due to a cold she got at a very young age. She had a bad one at about 4 months (not long after I stopped breast feeding). Apparently, one of the major things that help prevent this condition in children is... yep... breastfeeding.

So now I'm all guilty.

But it's pitiful. She wheezes and hacks her little cough. She gets winded. We have to give her medicine via a nebulizer, which she LOATHES (it requires her to be still). She gets a sinus infection (you're welcome sweetie - it's a lifetime of fun, really!) which causes a slight fever, which is just high enough to make her completely miserable.

So I'm dead tired, and I'm sad, and I feel horribly guilty that I may could have done something to avoid all this.

At the end of the day, she's okay, and I'm thankful for that. She'll grow out of this condition and be just fine. She's very healthy and happy and all of that. And so we've got that going for us.

Which is nice.


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