Thursday, November 24, 2005

While riding around the farm on the golfcart....

And we came across a stranded calf. 4 adults (Mom, Dad, Mr. Mac and me) as well as 2 kids (Miss Baby and Miss M) on the cart. We took out across one of the cow pastures to see what we could see, and I spotted a stranded calf over at the edge of the pasture. He had gotten out of the fence, and when the herd moved on, he was left behind. No doubt, his mom had left him behind out of youthful exuberance. Or because she couldn't figure out how to get him back over the fence. Anyway, he was stranded. So Dad and I cornered him and caught him, and then we all - now 4 adults, 2 kids and a calf, piled onto the golf cart.

We took him back to the herd, and we sent out a small prayer that he'd find his mom. Knowing it was not very likely. Mom, Dad and I all knew what would likely happen - he would starve looking for someone to nurse.

So we pulled away, knowing we'd done our best to help him - to give him the only shot he had, and my mom exclaimed - "Look! Look at him! He found his Mommy!" And there he was, nursing from a very grateful (and youthful) cow. She was licking him and you could see that she was so happy to have found her little baby.

It made me realize that sometimes we get separated from our herd, but it's still where we belong. If we allow ourselves to get locked away, then we may need help to get back. And if we seek hard enough, maybe - just maybe - we can find that place where we belong.

And I am thankful for that.


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