Monday, November 21, 2005

The REAL Santa Claus

I did something stupid a few weeks ago. I told Miss M about plans we made to go see The REAL Santa Claus at Phipps Plaza in Atlanta. I use the term REAL because that's what my sister and I were told as kids - and mom took us many times to see The REAL Santa Claus. And he certainly did deliver.

So I tell Miss M about this, and I dutifully mark my calendar for noon on November 18. That's when the appointments are made available for December, the month of our intended visit. I knew that, since I wanted an appointment within a certain window of time on a Saturday, I needed to be among the first to make an appointment to guarantee that I got what I needed to make our busy weekend come together.

I log on at 11:55 or so, and I watch the stupid website laaaagggg. I endure countless number of attempts to "refresh" the appointments page. I get tantalizingly close - I can see the time and day. I select the best time available, but the whole thing crashes.

Today, Monday, it's still crashed. It still tells me that the apppointment scheduler is down. And I sit, humble before the internets, knowing deep down that I won't deliver on my promise to Miss M.

And a shame, too - at 8, the years where she believes in Santa are, at best coming to an end. It wouldn't surprise me if it was already over, but she'd never tell. I really wanted to take her, and it just makes me angry that these guys can't get it together enough to have a big enough server to handle their demand.

I just want to make everything right for my girls. I can't fix it sometimes, and I get very frustrated and depressed. And even worse - all worked up over it. I can't sleep or even concentrate on my work. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry, seriously.

So, - you're on my poo list for sure. And pretty much the only way to change that is help me get my appointment when I need it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah. We faced the same troubles and it was his last year. )o: I went to him for 20 years, all growing up.

2:16 PM, May 03, 2006  

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