Friday, December 16, 2005

Blue Santy

Miss Baby accompanied Mr. Mac and me to Wal-Mart (yeah, it's evil - save it) for the procurement of Christmas Delights and a birthday gift for a neighbor kid. So we roamed around the store, marveling at the conglomeration of crap contained therein. It took some *serious* willpower for me to leave the snowman who sang "Ice Ice, Baby" and for Mr. Mac to leave Grumpy Santa (who was really hilarious).

So we roamed about the store looking at things when Miss Baby shrieked her "OMIGOD MA - THAT THING IS CUTE" Shriek. I looked to see what she thought was so darn cute and saw that it was, in fact, a stuffed Santa. A Duke blue and white stuffed Santa. In a big bin of doggie chew toys. Yeah, my child managed to pick out a doggie chew toy as her stuffed creature of choice.

So we grabbed Blue Santy (as he's now known) and put him in the cart with her. She loved him and shrieked at him and cooed at him. She even gave him a very complementary hurl across the aisle, and cried out for his return. She was clearly hooked on the $3.97 bundle of blue/white fuzzy squeakiness. Every time she mushed his belly he squeaked and she LAUGHED. So we had to get him, no question.

The only other event of the day was when we had to pay for Blue Santy. We took him away from Miss Baby, and she (of course!) cried. Then the Wal-Mart Wench wouldn't let me give him back to her - she insisted Blue Santy go in a bag with "the other merchndise" until after I'd left the store. So I made sure I kept squalling Miss Baby as close to her as long as possible. When we cleared the automatic doors, Mr. Mac rescued Blue Santy from his white plastic bag, removed the tags, and gave him to Miss Baby. She squealed with glee!!


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