Sunday, August 19, 2007

It's HOT here!

But dang! It's been busy. And hot. Atlanta has already established this month as the hottest ever on record, and there are still 11 days left to go. I'm at 30 weeks pregnant. I work for a University, and I don't have faculty parking privileges. So, either Mr. Mac takes me to work, I pay $10 to park in the visitor lot for the day, or I schlep.

Mr. Mac isn't in classes now, so you know his job. :)

Little Miss S is positively adorable and heads off to her NEW SCHOOL tomorrow - we were able to get her into the on-campus daycare at my college, and now she is in care approximately 1/2 mile away from me. She's turned into quite the chatterbox, and her newest favorite thing to do is to discuss the books you're reading to her. "Dat George is always inna time-out mommy. He bad monkey."


Blogger ccw said...

It's hot here, too. I don't even want to see my electric bill.

30 weeks already?

Good luck to Little Miss S at school!

5:36 PM, August 20, 2007  

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