Saturday, April 14, 2007


I sent out an e-mail to my husband's family letting them know of various and sundry goings-on in our lives. Mr. Mac is doing great, Miss M is doing fabulously, Little Miss S is adorable, I'm pregnant. Please know that this e-mail was sent with Mr. Mac's blessing and that it's how he wanted to share our news. He felt it's my news to share, so I'm the one to tell it (and I can't talk about me before I talk about how wonderful the rest of us are). He's kinda cool that way. It went to a very close cousin, aunts/uncles and his brother and sister (as was his preference).

Now, I get a response from the cousin (along with updates on her adorable daughters), from the aunts and uncles. Hooray, congrats, etc.

But my husband's brother and sister? Zippo. His only connections to his generation in the United States? Oh, they've forwarded me subsequent articles about the Duke LAX case (so I figured out that a) I used the right addresses and b) they've read their e-mails). But no comment on the impending arrival of their niece/nephew.

And damn, it hurts. Is it just that they are so horribly self-absorbed that they didn't bother to hit reply and type "Hey, that's great" and send (gee, it literally took me less than 5 seconds to type that in)? Or is is that they just plain dislike me intensely?

I know where I sit. Now y'all come and tell me how inconsiderate and self-absorbed they are so I don't run around thinking my siblings-in-law hate me.


Yeah, Mr. Mac and I have talked this over, in depth, and he actually managed to convince the rational side of my brain of the former. My heart, however, along with rest of my brain, tends to believe the latter.


Blogger Liz Miller said...

I go with self-absorbed snot-heads.

2:36 PM, April 15, 2007  
Blogger ccw said...

I agree with liz. My husband's brother and sisters do this sort of thing with us. It is hurtful but I do believe that are simply that selfish/self-absorbed/assy and that it has nothing to do with me.

Since they won't say it - Congratulations!!!

8:09 AM, April 17, 2007  

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