Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Home Cleaning Product Review II

Okay, admittedly, I'm a tad obsessed with Murphy's Oil Soap (much like Quinn, I learned in the comments). I wish it came in 5-gallon buckets, honestly. It is, in my mind's eye, the world's most perfect cleaner. Gentle and thorough, it smells wonderfully, and it keeps all of your wood in excellent condition. Simply put, in my home of antiques and wooden floors, it is an essential. It wipes away toddler leavings* with ease, while still allowing me to spray the bottle of it near my daughter without fear for her future development.

Imagine my delight when I saw for sale at the local hardware store a jug of "Murphy's Oil Soap: Squirt 'n Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner". I was enthused. I procured said bottle of stuff knowing full well that my hardwoods are dusty, dirty, have milk splatters, and just need a good all-around cleaning.

Upon my return home, I grabbed the trusty rag mop, and I squirted, and I mopped, and so forth, over all the hardwood surfaces in my home.

Now, my floors, they gleam. They shine. And my house? Oh it smells so wonderful.

* Toddlers leave the most odd trail of goo and goop. Little Miss S most commonly leaves biyana goo, yo-gut goo, mukaroni and cheese goo, and bebiss bar goo. Occasionally, we get mushy chee-o goo and/or go-fish (sadly no more bobish in this house) goo. Blech!


Blogger Courtney said...

Aaaahhhh, I'm feeling nostalgic and warm and fuzzy and peaceful all of a sudden. G'night.

1:07 AM, March 15, 2007  

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