Monday, October 30, 2006

So, what's worse....

Today was day one of the interviews. It took me about half an hour, in the middle of the day, to jaunt from the hospital where my sister was laboring (about 10 minutes from my house) to plastic-land, home of Big Box Retailer. Yep, folks - that's a 40 minute commute under the best of circumstances. Each way.

I pulled into the HQ's and felt an eerie sense of deja-vu - I was returning to a mothership, like I had at AOL! EEK!

What I didn't realize was that the pod people weren't far behind. EVERY man, save two, with whom I interviewed had a military background. I spoke with two Bush Rangers and a Pioneer. Yeah, I'm fitting riiight in here. The one who didn't told me on three separate occasions the dollar value of the annual spend he has in his category - One Billion, Four Hundred Million, United States Dollars.

I wanted to ask - gee, do ya drive a porche too? Is it really *that* small?

Holy cow. I'm qualified for the job. I can do it. I would be good at it. But I really, REALLY don't think I liked those people one bit. They kept talking about their 'troops' and 'marchign into the business war' and stuff. SCARY. Though, I met with a guy who was pretty decent at the very end.

So, what could have made all this worse? I spent my morning at the hospital where my sister was induced. As I had to leave, they sent for the doctor. My nephew came about 15 minutes after I left.

Oh yeah, and let's talk about the sore throat from the post-nasal drip. Like I swallowed a handful of glass shards. And by about 3:30 (2 hrs into the interview process), I began to feel the tell-tale ache in my lower back of the beginnings of a fever. By 4, I couldn't really turn my head left or right. So now I'm also sick on top of it all.

They released me and returned my ID (they KEPT IT while I was interviewing) at 5. Yes, the HEART of rush hour. It took me almost an hour to get to Miss Baby's school, and then I tried to go back uptown to have dinner with my folks. I sat at the table while Miss Baby pitched a royal one.

And then I just cried. Right there. In front of my parents, my brother in law, my niece and daughter, and my sister's in-laws. I just can't do it. Now I'm home - Mr. Mac is out at some law firmy reception thingie until sometime.... Miss Baby is 'no sleepy, mama.' Thank gooodness for Sprout.

Oh well - onward and upward, right? Come on University gig! I know I can rock it, so give me the shot I need.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs and love. And congratulations, Auntie!

9:20 PM, October 30, 2006  
Blogger ccw said...

Sorry the day was not what you wanted.

The company guys sound a wee bit scary. I hope the University interview goes very well.

Congratulations on the birth of your nephew!

9:14 AM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger Susan Anne MacKenna said...

Thanks guys... It went really well today. :)

3:34 PM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lady! So AOL was a mothership, eh? Heh, heh... not for much longer but we'll see. ;-)

Congrats on being an Aunt now! And I hope the interviewing goes well. Sounds like you'll get the job, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I love reading your blog. Good stories. Hope all is well with you and the family.

Your old AOL bud...C-

3:01 PM, November 10, 2006  

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