Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The best kind of goodbyes are those when you know you'll see each other again soon. They're really the only kind that are bearable.

So why am I so sad right now?

I dropped Miss M and Mr. Mac at MARTA almost two hours ago. They were going to the airport to get Miss M on a plane to go back to Florida to start her school. She'll be back in just over two weeks, and for that I'm thankful.

It's been so wonderful, yet heartbreaking, to have her with us this summer. She's such a wonderful child - so thoughtful and sweet. But she's still so much a child, and I don't know what to do with it. She has to begin learning to take care of herself and her things, and I just don't trust her mother to teach her in the right way. She has to begin to learn that it's not okay to 'clean' her room by stuffing all the things under the bed.

So I'm sad - sad that I won't be there to help her every day. And I'm glad to be able to see her so frequently in this modern age of cheap, regular air travel.

So it's a bad day, and it was a sad goodbye. But she'll be back again soon. And I just can't wait!


Blogger KLee said...

I'm sorry your time with Miss M was so short. Hopefully, one day, she'll be with you full-time.

9:00 PM, August 02, 2006  

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