Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Time Flies

It's been a very long time since I have put anything up here. I've posted on some other blogs, in the comments. I think that instead of doing that I'm maybe supposed to 'trackback' and comment here, but I don't really know as I'm new to the 'blogosphere'.

Life has been, to be brief, hectic. Mr. Mac and I have been very busy between his LSAT class (4 hrs two weeknights and also 4 hrs on Saturdays), my Bible Study Group (a different night in the week), and all of Miss M's various and sundry activities that cover Wednesday and Friday evenings, and of course - Soccer Saturdays! Add to that Miss Baby, and you begin to see the picture.

Speaking of Miss Baby. She has FINALLY cut her first teeth. We started down this road in mid-August. She's 8 months 3 weeks tomorrow, so it's time. Some day, Miss Baby will also get hair. She has also learned to hold her own bottle, eat using her fingers and generally make more noises. Her favorite thing right now is to chase the kitties. Bo* tolerates the chasing and subsequent 'petting' (read: banging on his head with her palm). Luke* runs to the opposite side of the porch from her and looks across at us disdainfully.

One of these days, I'll get this blogging on a more regular schedule. Then maybe I'll tell the rest of the world about it. Heh.

* Yes, my cats are named Bo and Luke, as in the Duke Boys. Bo is a yellow (blonde) tabby and Luke is a grey (brunette) tabby. Ain't it a hoot? Every now and again, I want a dog to name 'Daisy'.


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