Friday, September 09, 2005

Walking and Talking

My niece is 10 weeks older than Miss Baby. Over Labor Day weekend, M & M (my neice) said her first word that I've heard - "Uh ooooooh". This was said after she threw her plastic chew keys on the ground while my sister and I were taking a walk with our girls. She will probably be saying "Uh oooooh" (with a perfectly round mouth for the "ooooh part", which is just adorable!) a fair amount.

Today M & M took a little stroll from one toy to another.

I don't want Miss Baby to be there yet. She and M & M are about 6 weeks apart developmentally (which makes sense - M & M was 2 weeks early, Miss Baby was 2 weeks late). So, I'm guessing that sometime close to Hallowe'en, we'll be seeing the same thing.

Uh oooooh, indeed.


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