Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What my life has become

Bullets. I'm nothing but a collection of bullets.

* I had a song in my head. I couldn't place it. It was just the introduction to the song, and I was really liking the chordal progression, etc., when it dawned on me. I was singing a dang Barney song.

* There actually is something more annoying out there than Barney. It's Dora. Barney has a good 10-12 song rotation. Dora has about 4.

* My child has worn her "Bunnies" (bunny slippers) to school twice this week. Yes, I realize this week is exactly two days long so far. I figured out the reason this morning, somewhat - her Keds are too small and pinching her feet. Bah!

* I have found that Weight Watchers is actually going to be an easy diet for me to follow. While, on the one hand, no food is 'forbidden'; on the other hand, it's almost impossible to eat your 'points' ration if you stick to a list of foods that includes lean protein options, loads of veggies and high-fiber starches. Yesterday, I was seriously 7 1/2 points UNDER, and I was stuffed all day.

* The downside of WW is that I do have to avoid junk food like the plague. So we've just gotten rid of all that. It's also very difficult to eat out on WW if you don't go to places that have nutritional information available. I guess I'll just try to eat what I know is lower-point options? Who knows.

* Papa John's just sent us a flyer with all their deals on pizza for the coming weeks. Damn you! Now, I want gooey-cheesy pizza, with Italian Sausage and garlic-butter dipping sauce. AAAAAAAAGH!

* I think I'm getting a Nano, btw. Thanks for the feedback - I really appreciate it.

* Law school prom is in 3 1/2 weeks, and Mr. Mac wants to go. It's black tie. The last black tie event I attended was my wedding, almost 5 years ago. And a child ago. And before I quit smoking. Hell, before I needed the aforementioned Weight Watchers. I would seriously have to lose 35 lbs to fit into any of what I have that is 'formal wear'. Do I go buy something, or what? *gulp*


Blogger Liz Miller said...

I'm out here rooting for you!!!

I need to get back on the WW wagon.

Re: clothes. Most thrift stores have formal wear for cheap. Also, a fancy blouse and plain long black skirt is cheaper and more versitile than a gown.

10:48 PM, February 06, 2007  
Blogger Courtney said...

Papa Johns is a big weakness of mine.

5:14 PM, February 07, 2007  
Blogger Neel Mehta said...

I'm disappointed. I was hoping for a Duke-Carolina post as good as the one you did last year: "Punks."

5:20 PM, February 07, 2007  
Blogger Susan Anne MacKenna said...

Gah - Neel, I'm SCARED of the UNC post. I don't woof when the woofin's likely to bite me in the ass.

Plus I've not had enough wine yet.

5:35 PM, February 07, 2007  

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